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Provider:  The Cancer Support Center

About This Provider:  Has in-person and virtual programming for those on their cancer journey aimed at education, stress management, physical wellness, and nutrition education. They also provide private session counseling and different support groups.

Address/Phone Number:  Homewood:  2028 Elm Rd., Homewood, IL 60430 | (708) 798-9171

Mokena:  19645 LaGrange Rd., Mokena, IL 60448 | (708) 478-3529


Additional Forms/Links/Notes:  To see current programs:

Provider:  Gilda's Club Chicago

About This Provider:  Has free membership that includes virtual programming (in-person activities suspended due to covid) such as support groups, educational lectures, lifestyle and social events. Website also offers clinical trial search services for your area as well as a collection of online resources for specific cancers, financial and legal assistance, and national resources

Address/Phone Number:  Clubhouse | 537 North Wells Street | Chicago, IL 60654 | 312-464-9900


Additional Forms/Links/Notes:  To register for membership, please


To see current program calendar:

Provider:  Wellness House Chicago

About This Provider:  Has free membership that includes virtual programming (in-person activities suspended due to covid) such as support groups, educational lectures, lifestyle and social events. Website also offers clinical trial search services for your area as well as a collection of online resources for specific cancers, financial and legal assistance, and national resources

Address/Phone Number:  The Kay and Mike Birck Home of Hope

131 N. County Line Road Hinsdale, Illinois 60521 | (630)323-5150


Additional Forms/Links/Notes:  View the latest program guide at:

Provider:  The Community Cancer Research Foundation/Cancer Resource Center

About this Provider:  Provides programming that will help to support the whole person through support groups, mind/body classes, and educational offerings as they go through their journey. Also has a library where you can find educational resources. The research foundation brings the latest research and advances to the are. Research trials are conducted in three local hospitals.

Address/Phone Number:  926 Ridge Road Munster, IN 46321 | Cancer Research Foundation: (219) 836-6875 | 

Cancer Resource Centre: (219) 836-3349


Additional Forms/Links/Notes:  Current program directory available at:

Provider: LivingWell Cancer Resource Center

About This Provider:  Provides a variety of programs and services aimed at empowering cancer patients, survivors, and their caregivers. Affiliated with Northwestern Memorial Healthcare

Address/Phone Number:  Geneva Address:  442 Williamsburg Ave, Geneva, IL 60134, (630) 933-7860

Warrenville Address:  4525 Weaver Parkway, Warrenville, IL 60555, (331)-732-4900


Additional Forms/Links/Notes:  Program directory:

Provider:  Cancer Wellness Center

About This Provider:  The Cancer Wellness Center provides education, wellness services, and psychosocial

support to cancer patients, survivors, and their loved ones.

Address/Phone Number:  215 Revere Dr., Northbrook, IL 60062, 847-509-9595


Additional Forms/Links/Notes:  Calendar:

Provider:  Equal Hope

About This Provider:  Equal Hope aims to address disparities for women with Breast and Cervical Cancer. They assist women in establishing medical homes for prevention, screening, diagnosis, and treatment for all women.

Address/Phone Number:  300 South Ashland Avenue Suite 202 | Chicago, IL 60607-3848 | (312) 942-3368


Additional Forms/Links/Notes:  Current Services:

PO BOX 21008 | Chicago, IL 60621 | (708) 932-9761

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