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Name:  Living Well With Metastatic Breast Cancer Support Group

Organization:  Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University

Contact Information:  For more information, contact Michelle Mohn, LCSW at or 312-694-1180

Name:  Breast Cancer Support Group

Organization:  Wellness House Chicago

Contact Information:  To register, contact Jill Otto, LCSW at 630.654.7203 or

Name:  Breast Cancer Monthly Support Group

Organization:  Gilda's Club

Contact Information:  If you have any questions, please contact a Program Staff member by

emailing or calling 312-464-9900.

Name:  Metastatic Breast Cancer Monthly Support Group

Organization:  Gilda's Club

Contact Information:  If you have any questions, please contact a Program Staff member by

emailing or calling 312-464-9900.

Name:  Breast Cancer Support Group

Organization:  Cancer Resource Center at the Community Cancer Research Foundation

Contact Information:  To register for a support group, please complete this form:

Alternatively, you can contact the Cancer Resource Center at 219-836-3349.

Name:  Breast Cancer Networking Group

Organization:  Cancer Support Center

Contact Information:  To attend virtual programs, join via links at

Name:  Young Adult Breast Cancer Networking

Organization:  Cancer Support Center

Contact Information:  To attend virtual programs, join via links at

Name:  Metastatic Breast Cancer Networking Group

Organization:  Cancer Support Center

Contact Information:  To attend virtual programs, join via links at

PO BOX 21008 | Chicago, IL 60621 | (708) 932-9761

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